• Image of Color with Adi Goodrich - Sept. 1st

This class is for artists and designers wanting to understand how color can be used to achieve balance in composition and design, enabling attendees to think about color in a more intentional way.

Everyone loves color! But, sometimes all the colors in the world can be hard to choose from when working as a creative. In this workshop, Adi will be discussing how she uses color in her own Set Design work and how color has transformed through the history of art and design. Adi will be giving color choosing tips, sharing what tools she uses on jobs and will be teaching students an introduction to the elements of color.

Each participant will create a color experiment inspired by Verner Panton, mixing colors with paint and finding a better understanding of how colors interact with one another and balance a composition.

This workshop will be taught at Sing-Sing headquarters, our studio in Cypress Park, Los Angeles.

Light snacks and beverages will be served throughout the day to keep people hydrated and happy.

September 1, 2018

Class limited to 15 people. No refunds- first come, first serve.
*We advise Lyft to the studio as parking is difficult around the studio.

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